Driving in my car to a CPR class, the idea for this post drizzled into my head. The mist of words glistened and soon became a downpour. And ended up in this post.

Consider this.

From your earliest remembrance, you were taught not to say can’t. It wasn’t a matter of semantics. It was a matter of staying positive. A matter of hanging in there and giving it your best.

And when you do your best, you win. Losers never win.

Can’t is a quitter’s excuse for not trying and a word for drop-outs. Defeatist thoughts and communications, be gone!

Remember when Mom would say, “Yes you can, if you try.” And you became the kid that could.

Loving and encouraging moms are like that. They are motivational speakers and winning coaches. Coach Bryant or Nick Saban’s winning stats can’t touch Moms’ play-calling achievements.

That can-do attitude—do, or die trying—stuck.

You thought. But that was before you became a young adult and left home.

Now we wonder, when did we become so cozy with can’t?

Sure, there are things we don’t know how to do. And sometimes the difference between can’t and can is knowing how. But more often than not, fear is the factor.

How high is your fear factor relative to ascending the ladder to achieve your dream?

Don’t let fear be a factor.

Concentrate on the journey one step at a time. Loosen self-imposed time restraints. Celebrate each success along the way. They mark the distance traveled.

Overcoming fear is an achievement. Celebrate!

A step forward is an achievement. Celebrate!

Celebrate the days you get to work your dream. Every day is a new beginning. Pick up where you left off the day before.

Know that a setback is not a failure. It’s a challenge fit for a winner.

Remember what Mom said. “Yes, you can.”

Believe in yourself!

If you love the journey, you can do what you love.

“Winners embrace hard-work. The love the discipline of it, the trade-off they’re making to win. Losers, on the other hand, see it as punishment. And that’s the difference.” Lou Holtz

“There is no fear in love” (1John 4:18).

Believe in you!

Game On!