Like the Israelites in the Old Testament, patience isn’t one of our strong points. In the age of instant coffee, microwave dinners, and FaceTime, patience is for Neanderthals. Remember when department stores like Walmart totally spoiled us with no-line-no-waiting service?
What about Burger King’s “Have it Your Way” promotion? People don’t like waiting. And customers don’t want cookie-cutter products or experiences. Hold the mayo, please.

We’re a part of the Now Generation, and we don’t want to wait for anything.

Contrary to expectations of this world and like the Israelites of eons ago, we must learn to wait on God. God doesn’t change with time, technologies, or social pressures. God never changes.

Trying to hurry-up God won’t work. But waiting on His promises and provisions will bring about patience.

God has a plan designed just for you. The plan requires patience, hope, and faith.

His plan for us is not on our terms. The Bible says we must be patient in endurance and in his coming.

We need the patience of Job. This is a familiar saying, and it is the truth.

Job lost everything: his children, possessions, friends, and even the support of his wife. Most importantly, he grew impatient with God. He asked, “What strength do I have, that I should still hope? What prospects, that I should be patient? Job 6:11 NIV

Hopelessness is not of God; it is of Satan. Where there is breath, there is hope.


You’re breathing the breath of God. Our breath is His to give and take away. Hope is in His breath, and His provisions are nearby.

As long as Job could breathe, he could pray and petition God, who was his hope and strength. God had what Job needed. Therefore, his prospects were good.

We should never doubt that God will supply all of our needs. Without a doubt, we can believe and patiently wait on God.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation by prayerful and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6 NIV