Yay! My first anniversary!

It has been a year, 52 weeks, 365 days, 525,600 minutes and counting since the inception of my blog.

What’s the proper gift to gift myself?

The traditional first year anniversary gift for married couples is paper. That’s not a bad idea. Paper it is. And I can get “write” to it.

I didn’t forget to attend my blog launch party on that chilly rainy Saturday in October. I had snap, crackle, and pop even in the rain. Family, friends, and associates paraded into the Bessemer Public Library to support me. They were a lively bunch. Cupcakes, sandwiches, and punch indulged their appetites. The fortune-cookie game tickled their palates and thoughts about the future. Although no one’s prediction involved winning the lotto, the outlook was bright for all.

To commemorate my first anniversary, I cracked open a left-over, fortune cookie. The crunch was gone. The year-old cookie was stale, but the fortune was sweet!

“You will be successful in a business of your own,” the sliver of paper said.

I can work with this sunny forecast. I can do it, right?

I’m so happy that we can encourage each other.

Yes, I so appreciate you!

It’s important to seize opportunities to appreciate and support each other. Girl power and support are awesome! And many thanks to my mentor and coach, Javacia Bowser.

I’m enjoying and learning so much publishing posts on the various blog groupings: Motivation, Food for Thought, Little Known Fact, or Commentary each week.

I love encouraging others.

This speaks to my blog objective: to encourage life’s travelers to pursue their dreams.

If you’re young, old, or anywhere in between, don’t stop dreaming. Walk, skip, run, or leap at your desired pace, and do your thing!

Do it for you! No excuses!

Like you, I had plenty of excuses before starting my writing and blogging ventures. Most of my excuses were about time. It seemed as if much of my time wasn’t my own. There were so many obligations and interruptions. And it was difficult to promote and direct my own interests.

But things got progressively better. I had to remember to practice what I preached. I had to encourage myself.

I had to do my dream. And I did. I’m writing and blogging.

Now, I’ve arrived at the one-year marker. “Time waits on no one.” So, the get-up-and-go in me had to get-up-and do.

I’m not going to do a year-in-review of the 44-plus posts. But I want to thank all the readers who visited with me and read the various topics.


And I pray the topics have been encouraging and enlightening.

Sometimes the unexpected can test your drive and commitment. But don’t let anything diminish your enthusiasm and drive to achieve your ambitions. Know that you can overcome every obstacle.

I’ve enjoyed expressing my opinions, researching, writing, and posting about various people, animals, places, and things.

It has been a great year!

And I’m in a blogging craze. So, expect me to continue to throw in my two cents and make a ripple in this vast ocean called life.

Everyone isn’t going to be a Michael Phelps, Michael Jordan, or Michael Jackson relative to success and dream achievements.

Don’t be disappointed.

Hey! It’s good enough to be the best version of you.

We are all winners if we use the abilities that God gives us.

Continue to chase and capture your dreams.

Please visit often, and comments are welcome.