Wow! We’re entering a new decade beginning January 1, 2020!

Sounds treky? We’re going where we’ve never gone before. December 31, 2019, will be the end of the current decade, the 2010s.

When was the last time you used the word, decade? Right, ten years ago.

If you’re reading this blog, chances are you’re a couple or several decades young. This is better than being a couple or several scores old. A score is an archaic word for the number 20. Remember the Gettysburg Address – “Four score and seven years ago”? It takes 8 decades and 7 years to equal 4 score and 7 years.

A decade is a grouping of time in ten-year increments. The beginning year usually ends with zero, and the tenth year ends in 9.

A decade sounds like a longer stretch around the block than 10 years. But it’s not.

Thank goodness, the word isn’t used to communicate an individual’s age. Fifty-years-old sounds a lot better than five-decades old.

Has anyone ever asked, “Where do you want to be in 10 years?” They’re asking about expectations and goals for a decade.

How do you wrap your mind around this?

For most people, this isn’t an easy question to answer. Each time I was asked this question, I was stumped.

I could have said: I want 2 children, a boy, girl, and a big house with a large back yard. Personal goals are also very important. But this wasn’t the anticipated answer.

So, I said something bogus: I want to be an entrepreneur and have my own business. It was more of a wish than a goal because I had no idea how to make it happen.

A couple of decades later, I’m retired. To say that I am an entrepreneur is a big stretch. But I’m proud to say, I have 2 children, and they are now adults: a boy and a girl. And my back yard is a baseball field.

What do I envision for the new decade, 2020-2029?

I’m stumped.

What do I envision for the next 5 years?

I’m still stumped.

Most often, we “fly by the seat of our pants.” We make decisions as we journey along.

Some people like going with the flow. But what does this mean? Where is the flow going? Do you want to go there?

Others may say, they try to live in the moment and not think much about the future.

I’ve learned that it’s easier to make short-term goals and plans that involve 1 or a few years.

Although I’m retired, the question about achieving goals is still relevant because my future is relevant.

But I’m still stumped.

Sometimes we have to ask ourselves the tough questions. Don’t wait on others to do it for us.

Now, where do I want to be in the next decade?

OK, here goes! I hope to publish 2 or more books in the next 10 years.

Remember, it’s Ok to put it in the atmosphere.

Be a Trekkie in the new decade.

Where do you want to be in 10 years?