The sun shines unapologetically. And the sun or light within each of us should radiate in a like manner.

Don’t you think?

Let your light shine naturally and unapologetically. Don’t permit others and circumstances to dim your light or put it out altogether.

I know this is not always easy to do. Sometimes I have to prep and pep myself to “go for it.”

What is your light? What entices you to get out of bed? What sets you aglow to run daily marathons? What makes your lips glide toward your ears to form that beautiful, perfect, and confident smile?

You got this!

I call it, ‘the light within;” it’s golden. It’s the best you.

You’re at your best when your light is bright. You’re full of energy. I’m not talking about being obnoxious or loud. But about the “let me at them,” the can-do or “Carpe Diem” in you.

People who shine and love who they are “seize the day.”

We should love and use the gift of today. God made today with you and me in mind.

Be electric. Be positive. Recognize your value and capabilities. Make a few tackles and score!

Do you hide the best you because you’re afraid of standing out?

Don’t power down or dim down to become one in the crowd.

Don’t listen to people who say, “Stay in your lane.” “Don’t rock the boat.” “Don’t ring your own bell.” “It’s not your turn.”

Status quo people often make such statements. Don’t assimilate and be one with the status quo.

They don’t like “doers” or new ideas. And they also don’t want anyone to outshine them, change the scenery, or expectations. They’re used to the same old thing. They say, “This is the way we’ve always done it.”

In various groups and organizations, people have warned me not to make suggestions. They said to be prepared to own your idea. In other words, if you don’t want to head a project, don’t make a suggestion.

For example, you suggest a field trip to the Civil Rights Museum for some neighborhood kids. All the parents agree it’s a good idea, but no one volunteers to help plan the event. It’s your idea. So, everyone eyeballs you.

It’s either SHUT UP or DO. It’s all on you.

But this is where you shine. You got this! Sooner or later, one or two others will follow your lead.

Believe it or not, people bury good ideas every day for fear of being responsible for implementing them.

Buried ideas and talents don’t benefit anyone.

You’ve heard people say, “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.” Where’s the fun or excitement in that?

If you’re in the game, why not run the ball instead of passing. Why make a ripple in the water when you can make a splash?

The status quo or stagnation limits growth.

Nothing grows well in stagnation except pests and mold. Change produces growth. Growth and change are vibrant and healthy.

“Let your light shine. Be a source of strength and courage. Share your wisdom. Radiate love.” Wilferd Peterson