I’m not going to mention the ‘C’ word by name in this post. But it rhymes with livid and bovid. Of course, not saying the word doesn’t mean we can ignore it.

We absolutely can’t dismiss or underestimate its devastation.

Some people are livid about recommendations or laws requiring them to wear masks because of the ‘C’ word. And some mask wearers think the mask-less are a bunch of bovids.

Does that mean there are ‘good people’ on both sides of this mask issue?

No response is necessary.

Just obeying the law or recommendation would eliminate this character question.

Please wear your masks.

But let’s not increase the stress while we try to decrease the spread.

I know this is easier said than done. But a positive attitude goes a long way to decrease stress.

Let’s make being positive a daily goal. Being positive is having an optimistic outlook, whatever the challenge.

This is a good but challenging goal for me, too.

Like most people, sometimes I have had the shut-in blues. Being confined to the house and yard is pretty stressful. Being at home isn’t like being ‘on the range.’ There’s no deer or buffalo.

Before the pandemic, our range stretched as far as a plane could fly, a vehicle could travel, and a body was willing to go.

Now the range is much smaller. Geographic limitations can lead to stress.

Physical separation from family and friends is stressful.

The loss of friends, love ones, and what was normal are all stressful.

A friend told me that she and her hubby had planned a trip to Greece. Canceled. And you know why. My hubby and I expected to have a summer vacation. Canceled. Yep, for the same reason.

Our plans weren’t as luxurious as my friend’s. We were going to Destin, Florida. In or out of the country, seascape, landscape, mountain-scape, it’s about the escape!

We had the same motivation for a getaway. But a different destination.

We all have desires to do, achieve, and be fulfilled, but our paths and destinations may be different.

But safety, health, finances, and other things dictate what we do. Decision, decisions, decisions! Sometimes ambitions and plans are placed on the back burner.

Tough choices, we make them. But this one wasn’t so tough.

We chose stay-safe-cation. Home isn’t adventurous, but it’s safe.

Things outside of our control can and will cause changes and delays. A pandemic will change and delay lots of stuff, including travels.

Don’t you just hate delays? I know I do.

Feeling powerless, helpless, and frustrated because of the ‘C’ word is stressful.

Don’t let delays crush motivation.

Enter positivity.

The back burner is still on.

Remember, what’s delayed is not denied.

And in the meantime, when life gives us lemons, squeeze them and make lemonade.

My hubby suggested that we buy a kiddie pool, put on swimsuits, and have a splash in the back yard. This isn’t my idea of lemonade.

I bought a necklace instead.

During this ‘C’ time, it’ OK to be off-centered, irritated, and a little selfish. But don’t be stressed out. Show yourself some compassion.

Acknowledge your disappointments and put some things on the back burner. And dare to use your lemons to make lemonade.