Are you waiting for inspiration or a whirlwind of enthusiasm to spur you to act? Maybe you have put off doing something for days, weeks, or even months.

Newton’s First Law states that a body remains at rest unless acted upon by a force.

Don’t look for an outside or external force to rev you up.

You are the force. The force is somewhere within. Nothing is going to happen until you do it!

Whether it’s dusting the furniture, reading the Good Book, or taking an online course, take it on!

Inspire yourself. Be a whirlwind. Be the force!

Still uninspired?

Don’t feel too bad. You’re not alone. We all procrastinate.

What ails most of us isn’t anything that a little passion or disciple won’t fix.

Passion is the electrical impulses that move people to do things that make them or others happy.

I don’t know anyone who has a passion for wearing masks. But if you do anything long enough, it becomes a discipline or habit.  Wearing my mask is like carrying an American Express card; I don’t leave home without it. Wearing my mask is a discipline.

Discipline is a habit of doing things even when you don’t want to. Discipline is all about creating habits.

Remember, when our school teachers said good habits would pay off—studying and completing assignments would help earn As.

What grade would you give yourself in completing the grunt work to achieve your ambitions?

Sometimes in the absence of passion, discipline is what we need to get things moving in the right direction.

Is dusting a discipline or passion?  I guess it could be either or both.

If dust is a problem right now, don’t bother with the ‘white glove test.’ If it has been a few days, your initials will do.

Whether it’s dusting or a self-improvement class, I feel you. Beginning a task isn’t always easy. But you know, once you start, you will find a rhythm.

It’s like doing the Hokie Pokie; you put your whole self in. That’s what it’s all about. And the passion will soon appear.

Writing or doing the work to publish my second book was more difficult than completing my first book. It’s all about overcoming resistance.

What’s a dreamer to do? Do the dream. One must rouse oneself to do the deed.

It’s really mind over matter.  Enter willpower. The mind moves obstacles. The mind eliminates resistance.

When we say it matters, believe it matters, and act as if it matters, things happen.

It’s better to try and discover it’s not your thing than not to try at all.

Henry Ford said, “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.”

Don’t be your obstacle.