I need your help, and here’s the deal. I’m participating in a #Blog-Like-Crazy challenge. It’s exactly what it sounds like, blogging on steroids.  And I might be crazy to commit to such a writing feat.

I have to create a post every day in November, 30 posts to be exact. Let me tell you; I wasn’t cuckoo about the idea—not in the beginning.

To be honest, I had my excuses ready, and they are real. But I won’t give any of them an honorable mention. After Javacia Bowser, the #BlogLikeCrazy challenger and creator, said she would participate, she stirred something within me.

Knowing what she is dealing with, if she can do it, I can too!

Let me tell you; I admire this female BOSS. Surely, she didn’t consider HER November deadlines, job commitments, daily radiation treatments for cancer, and her new course launching.

I said to myself, “Take the out, girl! Javacia, you don’t have anything to prove!”  After hearing what is going on in her life, NO WAY she should participate!

Yes, way, and she’s all in. She’s a leader, and she plans to blog like crazy in November with the rest of us.

She slew all of my excuses. My excuses couldn’t fly. She clipped their wings; they fell like bricks and became dust.

Gone are my excuses, but what about the foreseen creativity pitfalls: writer’s block, running out of material, stress, and who knows what else?

What topic or theme can I write about for 3O days?

Then it came to me. Remembering Country Roads.  That’s right. I’m going to tell you a lot more about myself, country life, and the South.

Are you a Southern girl? Even if you’re not, we both will learn a few things.

And this is where you come in.

Please feel free to ask a question or make comments that will spur more content. Throw me some red meat or even a bone to chew on for the next post. Even a few “YOU GO GIRL!” will make the wheels turn when I get stuck in the mud.

Anyway, hang on to your hat as we journey some old paths and places along with some new ones.

Thank God the challenge only lasts one month!

Don’t forget to say HOWDY once in a while.

And stay safe!