How can we say thank you?

You selflessly defended our freedom, values, and country. You willingly put your life on the line for me and millions. You are the great ones among us.

You are our heroes.

You are the real Superman and Black Panther. You protect and protected us by land, sea, and air. Thank you, American veterans.

We owe you a debt of gratitude.

Mark 10:43 (NIV) says, “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.”

Veterans are proven servants of the people and the nation. And they have a servant spirit. It is an honorable thing to risk limb and life for a comrade and country.

Should Veterans Day be a day of celebration or reflection? Or is it a day to commemorate the brave? Veterans Day is all of the above.

We know how to celebrate. The Fourth of July, Independence Day, is a time of great celebration with fireworks galore. We also know how to be solemn. Memorial Day is a day of solemnity for those who died serving in the American Armed Forces.

Veterans Day is about love, liberty, and sacrifice like other national holidays; we celebrate and honor our men and women’s service.

November 11 is the annual federal holiday designated as Veterans Day. We salute all of our veterans.

How can we honor our veterans on November 11, 2020?

Because of the current pandemic, in-person interactions may not be possible. But below are a few suggestions.

You can support veteran organizations through giving.

Drop-off or send care packages to veteran organizations.

Call veterans you know to express your gratitude.

We don’t know you all, but we owe each of you.

May God continue to bless our people, and may this nation be a great model for other countries.

Freedom and sovereignty are our watchwords.

Happy Veterans Day 2020!