It’s December, the 14th day of the last month in 2020. What does this mean? I’m sure the significance of this month and date is different for many people. But chronologically, it signifies that the year is almost over.

2020 is almost GONE! FINITO!

Christmas, the last holiday of the year, is a snow-ball throw away. Of course, there’s no snow in Alabama right now—not with 60 and 70 plus temperatures in the last several days. But although the weather changes from day-to-day and week-to-week, we can’t afford to let down our guards.

We’ve been so careful these past 10 months of the pandemic, and we must stay the course of vigilance.

Inviting friends and family to our home for gatherings and dinner is still off the table. No guests for Christmas. And attending church on Christmas Day is a NO GO.

Thank God, Thanksgiving was warm and inviting for an outside gathering for my children and grandchildren. We were socially distanced during our meal. After the dinner, each person wore a mask and stayed a respectful distance from those of another household. We still had a wonderful time.

With Christmas around the corner, I really don’t know what gift-giving will look like this year. But I’m sure I will do most of my shopping online.

I’m definitely not going from store to store seeking and purchasing gift items. No crowds for me. It seems like online shopping is the safest thing to do.

And how will the gifts be distributed? We’ll work out something that will comply with the CDC guidelines.

We just have to remember, gifting differently this year is not necessarily bad, especially if it protects someone from getting ill or sick. Sending items by mail is definitely a good option.

As temperatures cool and get even colder, it will be difficult and uncomfortable to gather outside. Gathering inside is a No, No this year.

Obeying the CDC guidelines, we are doing things that were unthinkable a year ago. So, navigating this pandemic will take creativity to maintain traditional Christmas cheer.

It’s stressful knowing that the opportunities and means of getting together are very few and far between. But that’s when you tell the person everyone knows to be the ‘fun wizard’ in the family to take charge. They always have good ideas that no one else ever thinks about.

Who is that person in your family?

Tell him or her to create a special Zoom or another video medium family event. This is a great way to reach out to loved ones and friends.

Don’t forget about sending Christmas cards. Sending cards this Christmas season may mean a lot to those who are shuttered in.

In the past, I haven’t sent out many cards at all. But this year, I will send out more, especially to people I haven’t seen for months due to the pandemic and social restrictions.

Hold on to your antlers; it’s a countdown to Christmas!

Be safe.