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Twenty-twenty has been a dumpster fire!

With a few days left to go in 2020, coronavirus is still a formidable foe. The virus, swirling on its spikes, is hell-bent on infecting and killing as many people as possible. And like millions, my family and I are doing all we can to protect ourselves and our elderly parents.

Several weeks ago, they started coronavirus vaccinations. Twenty twenty-one offers renewed hope, vaccinations against COVID-19, change in presidential leadership, and more.

On December 31, I plan to burn my troubles and disappointments of 2020! And they are causalities of the all-terrifying coronavirus.

By the time President Trump publicly finished declaring ‘Who Let the Virus Out,’ the COVID-19 virus already had a stronghold in the U.S. Trump, the great name-caller-in-chief, dubbed it the ‘China virus.’ Months later, we learned that the president knew how deadly the virus was but lied about it to the American people.

My 2020’s troubles stem from these lies and are a dump for the proverbial dumpster. Let there be fire! Burn baby burn!

Soon after my church’s Black History celebration on February 28, 2020, the virus became the elephant in the room. And one day, my granddaughter matter-of-factly said, “Blacks can’t catch the virus because we’re descendants of Africans.”

People say, ‘black doesn’t crack.’ But black doesn’t contract? What conspiracy theory or voodoo is this?

It is unconscionable that such a rumor existed in the black community. The fact is blacks are more pronged to catch the virus due to health and healthcare disparities along with work-related risks.

Ignorance about COVID-19 be gone!

On March 13, 2020, my husband and I attended the Fifth Annual Gala Banquet of Peace Baptist District Missionary Association. We went to support our pastor, Reverend Norwood, who was an honoree.

Greeting people after the banquet, someone breathed on me. Oh, my God! This person could have the virus! I checked my temperature for a week.

Burn this nightmare! Thank God for masks and no more meet and greets for me.

No birthday or anniversary celebrations at Firebirds Wood Fired Grill, my favorite restaurant, or any other place in 2020.

No date nights!

Due to the virus, it was months before Mom and Dad would see each other. Then my ninety-three-year-old father demanded a visitation with Mom, who is ninety-four. Both had their masks on and sat six feet apart in my family room.

Who’s crazy enough to vacation amid a global pandemic? Not me. We canceled our June family vacation to Florida.

No hugs from our children and grandchildren and no birthday celebrations.

No hugs from Dad.

Burn the loneliness! Burn the coronavirus fatigue!

July 4, we had a small gathering outside with everyone masked and distanced.

Fast forward to October 5, 2020, when President Trump told us to ignore the virus and go about our daily lives.

His statement was as asinine as the disinformation about African Americans not contracting the virus because we are black.

This statement gave me a burning reason to write the president a letter.

Here is an excerpt from the October 10, 2020, letter.

“Dear Mr. President,

My mom and dad aren’t expendable and aren’t sacrificial lambs for your legacy as a deal maker with this devilish virus.

Stop playing Let’s Make a Deal; peoples’ lives are at stake!

No deal!

We trust God and science. And we fear this deadly virus.

November 24 will mark Mom and Dad’s 76th anniversary. And by the grace of God, they will celebrate together— wearing masks and social distancing.

Yes, Mr. President, I’m afraid of the virus. My parents, daughter, and grandchildren are also fearful of the virus. We know people who succumbed to the virus…”

No, I didn’t mail the letter.

My Mom and Dad did celebrate their 76th anniversary. But soon after I wrote this letter, Dad fell and suffered a hip fracture. He had a partial hip replacement and stayed in the hospital and rehab for almost three weeks.

Christmas is gone. There were no plans for a family dinner and gathering because the virus was raging!

Although my dad is in a nursing home, my family is still whole, unlike too many families in America.

There are just a few days before my dumpster burn!

Keep hope alive! May God bless us all.

Victory over the virus!

Stay Safe!