Remember trying to get your baby to say Ma-ma as his or her first word. Like most infants, my son’s and daughter’s first words were da-da. But soon after came my heart’s melody—ma-ma. Mother in any form or language is music to the ears: Mom (America), Mum (Australia), or Mam (Ireland, Whales).

Where would we be without our moms? Mothers are priceless. And there are all kinds of moms: biological mothers, step-mothers, God-mothers, adoptive moms, foster moms—you name it.

Moms are irreplaceable. So is Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day should be every day of the week, month, and year. This is the reason the Bible says to honor our mothers.

But it’s also OK to set aside a special day to say thanks for loving me unconditionally when I was naughty and nice. And that love never stops.

The Bible states that Eve was the first female. So, she was the first wife and the first mother.

No dictionary or encyclopedia can sufficiently define a mother.

Only God can make a mother. And mothers who love God are godly mothers.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is the most honored and beloved of all mothers. From all the world’s females, God chose Mary to be His son’s earthly mother. What an honor God bestowed upon Mary! And because of this, she is forever blessed among women (Luke1:42).

But we, too, are blessed as mothers. And should we not feel honored?

All children are gifts from God. So, all mothers are blessed. And motherhood is forever a noble and sacred servitude unto God, who gives us children.

Give your mom a gift, roses, a prepared dinner, or take her to Cracker Barrel on Mother’s Day. She deserves these acts of kindness and so much more. I plan on doing one or more of these things, but I will cherish Mom every day because I’m grateful to have her.

The godly way to honor mothers is to LOVE and cherish them. A few of the many loving actions include:

RESPECT – Listen to her teachings, advice, and wisdom. Mothers are our first teachers.

OBEDIENCE – Her wise counsel is meat for a healthy body and reverent spirit.

PROVISIONS – As moms grow older, physical, emotional, and financial needs may arise. We should bless our moms who blessed and made sacrifices for us.

PRAY – Pray for your mom daily. And know that she is praying for God’s blessing and favor for you.

Visit, following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), or call her often. Reminisce and make new memories with the grandchildren.

Motherhood doesn’t stop when children become adults. Moms are forever mothers. God made mothers that way.

I thank God for my mom.

Robert Browning said, “Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.”

Don’t forget, May 9, 2021, is Mother’s Day.

Have a Happy Mother’s Day!

Be safe.