Why it matters?

It matters because it’s important to you. It matters because you’re important. And because you and it matter, you’re willing to put your shoulders to the wheel and do what it takes to make it happen.

Just do it! Do it now, don’t wait until tomorrow!

What is it? It is different things for different people. It may be the chance of a lifetime. But it is about your time. It is about you, and it is for you.

I love these ideological pick-me-ups. Don’t you? But let’s be real! When the rubber hits the road, it isn’t always easy.

My first ‘it’ was to get a college education. Yes, it wasn’t easy. But I did it! My second it resulted in marriage and two children. Decades and four grandchildren later, my aspirations and dreams haven’t dried up. With two published books, I want to write a third.

Dreams don’t stop as we age. Dreams are the stuff of life!

What is your it? What is your dream?

If I can achieve my dreams, you can do the same. Trust God, be patient, and do the work.

Only the dreamer knows his or her dream. Take hold of it!

Regardless of what ‘it’ is: getting your dream job, the house with the white picket fence, Mr. Right, or a dream vacation, it requires investment. And if it’s a must-have, nothing can stand between you and this goal.

I love the I’m-in-it-to-win, hands-all-in huddle spirit. YOU GO, GIRL! YOU’RE THE MAN! YOU’RE THE BOSS! YOU GOT THIS!

Can challenges or unpredictable circumstances change dreams and goals? The dreamer must confront and address these and other potential dream obstacles. Many times, the landscape or road to our dream changes. These changes may cause a delay in our plans. These changes may also require a different path or a modified plan.

They say the shortest distance to any destination is a straight line. Well, that straight line turned into a crooked letter for many dreamers in 2020 when the pandemic changed many paths.

I couldn’t conduct any book signings for Sandra Bland 2.0: Racist Policing in America, my second book. So, I had monthly Zoom book discussions.

Don’t give up if the pandemic is a ravine, valley, or mountain preventing your dream initiation or completion. Use this time to acquire knowledge and fine-tune skills that will help you become better prepared to be successful.

  1. Invest in your passion. I’m a writer. To improve my craft, I’m writing and reading good books by renowned writers like Colston Whitehead.
  2. Find alternatives to unexpected constraints or challenges. In other words, use life’s lemons and make lemonade.
  3. Find avenues to network with others who have similar aspirations.
  4. Adjust your timetable
  5. Do your dream for you.

Whatever your dream, it is for you, and only you can make it happen. Even mid pandemic, there’s something you can do to help your dream come true.

Be safe.