Christmas is definitely in the air; it’s the grandest of holidays and celebrations in America.

Bright ornaments, reefs, and holiday tinsel decorate the doors and windows of homes and businesses. Santa Claus parks on rooftops and front yards with wrapped gifts and toys in his sleigh. And Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer nose glows all night.

But Christmas is definitely more than bright lights, Santa Claus, and gift items on our Christmas wish list. Christmas is about Christ, the greatest gift of all.

There is no Christmas without Christ.

Lighted nativity scenes on many yards depict the story about the birth of Christ. Luke 2:7(KJV) states, “And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.”

Displayed inside a barn-like structure is the infant Jesus, wrapped in swaddling clothes, his mother Mary, and Joseph, her husband.

The Bible says Magi or wise men from the East brought gifts to Jesus, the newborn king. They brought gold, a gift fit for a king, frankincense, a priestly gift, and myrrh, a burial ointment, and presented them to the child. These gifts honored Jesus, God’s only begotten son, as the king, high priest, and savior of the world.

On December 25, 2021, we celebrate the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ, who is God’s gift to every soul that believes. On December 25, we also celebrate our love for family and friends through fellowship and gift-giving.

And on that long-awaited day, bicycles, dolls, fire trucks, other toys, and gifts will mysteriously appear under the Christmas tree for the boys and girls who have been good—no matter the age.

Everyone wants a gift on Christmas Day. Of all the gifts on December 25, thank God for the gift of Christ Jesus.

Unlike Christmas 2020 amid the raging pandemic, my family plans to gather this Christmas, but we will abide by the CDC’s guidelines. We know it’s not the time to become lax with a new variant that is more commutable than the Delta variant.

Yes, kids from two to one hundred and two can hardly wait for Christmas. It will be here before we know it.

Who doesn’t like giving and receiving presents? I’m still a kid at heart; what about you? Who doesn’t love Christmas for what it means for our lives and salvation?

Jesus is the reason for the Christmas season.

More than 160 countries around the world celebrate Christmas. But Christmas is a secular holiday or festival for some of these countries.

Have a Merry Christmas 2021!

And remember to keep Christ in Christmas.

Stay safe.