The following post is a few insights from my recent study of the story of Lazarus’ death and revival.

Christ is an ‘even now’ provider and savior.

The phrase ‘even now’ can denote no change in opportunity or ability to progress forward. There is a constant even though time, conditions, and circumstances change. Using the phrase, ‘even now,’ expresses that any ability that existed prior to the change still remains. Therefore, a worsened condition has no bearing on what can be achieved.

Who wouldn’t like these odds? In this instance, help never comes too late.

Yes, every day, we can declare Christ to be an ‘even now’ God and an ‘even now’ help.

In John 11 (KJV), the Bible tells of a family who loved one other and believed and trusted Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God.

I’m talking about Martha, Mary, and Lazarus, their sick brother; they lived in Bethany. The sisters messaged Jesus, who was in Jerusalem—less than two miles away—that their brother was sick.

Jesus tarried two days in Jerusalem after hearing about Lazarus’ illness.  After Lazarus died, He and His disciples set out to return to Bethany.

Martha felt the atmosphere change and the precipitation of her grief when she heard Jesus was coming. She and Mary had waited days for His coming, and they were sorely grieved because Lazarus died..

Some people can sit and wait; others prefer to move toward the thing or person they’re waiting for. Not wanting to wait any longer, Martha decided to meet Jesus while Mary remained in the house surrounded by mourners.

Martha met Jesus before he reached Bethany, and she seized the opportunity to talk with Him. Martha, in grief, said, “Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.” In other words, Martha believed if Jesus had been in Bethany, her brother would be alive. She believed Jesus would’ve healed Lazarus as He had healed others.

But Jesus’ lack of proximity wasn’t the problem and didn’t result in Lazarus’ death. Maybe she didn’t know that Jesus had healed the nobleman or royal official’s son who was in Capernaum while Jesus was in Cana?.

But seeing and being able to touch Jesus, she didn’t plead for her brother Lazarus. Martha probably had heard about the reviving of the widow of Zarephath’s son, the Shunammite’s son, and maybe others brought back from the dead.

In her following statement to Jesus, Martha used the phrase ‘even now.’

Martha said, “But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee.”

Even now distinguishes a lack of variation compared to then and now. Even now is a level reaching the same limit, proportionally the same as before. What one could’ve done previously, the same can be achieved even now.

Martha didn’t outrightly ask Jesus to ask God, His Father, for anything on her, Mary, or Lazarus’ behalf. She simply stated the truth and belief that God would give Jesus what Jesus asked or requested.

Of course, Martha didn’t know that Jesus was there to raise Lazarus from the dead to glorify God and galvanize the belief of His disciples and others that He is the Son of God, the resurrection and life.

God answered Jesus’ prayer, and because they are one, Jesus, the resurrection and the life, called Lazarus back to time.

Jesus proved who He is, and even now, He is a very present help and the savior to those who believe in Him.

There’s nothing too hard for God—’even now.’

Glory and praise to God!

Be safe.