What’s the weather forecast for your disposition? We often check the forecast to determine if we need an umbrella, overcoat, or other proper gear based on the predicted weather. Just as we check the weather, it’s good to check our disposition or mood. Most of us aren’t good forecasters of our disposition and how interactions and unforeseen challenges will affect our mood and outlook.

Can we prepare to have a good disposition and clear life’s unpredictable hurdles just like we prepare for a rainy or stormy day?

Sure, having a good attitude helps a lot, and a sunny disposition requires a positive attitude during difficulties.

Murphy’s Law says, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong?” Maintaining a good attitude when things go awry isn’t always easy. Many people say to hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

Maya Angelou, a great African-American writer and activist, said the same thing but added don’t be surprised by anything that’s in between.

Are you up for the challenge; what will be your disposition today?

A disposition is someone’s natural, habitual mood or temperamental nature. Everyone has a disposition.

Some people have a sunny disposition, even during inclement weather or a deluge of problems. They may be good multitaskers and problem managers, but many of us need help and encouragement. 

The big question about disposition as it is with the weather is being ready for the conditions or circumstances that may arise to fend off a bad or negative attitude.

A good disposition is more probable when everything is purring alone and working like a mean machine. But what if things go offline and run amok?

Don’t you hate troubleshooting when things go offline?

One way to maintain a good disposition is to use affirmations before starting and during the day. Affirmations relative to the situation or challenge can be freeing and instrumental to preventing mood changes. Below are a few general affirmations.

Everything will work out – stay with it.

I got this!

A little chaos will not steal my peace.  

I will remain positive no matter what!

God is my strength in times of trouble.

Challenges are but opportunities to shine.

I will overcome evil with good.

This too, shall pass.

Affirmations pump me up and make me feel better. They present solutions and better possibilities to achieve one’s goal of staying positive. Great affirmations will help get us where we need to be or go. Everyone can create and make affirmations.

We want to glide over every bump in the road, avoid potential misunderstandings, and get it right the first time.

But don’t forget you’re human, and things happen that you cannot control. And don’t beat up on yourself for being human.

Affirmations without affirmational actions aren’t enough.

I’ll set a scene. I’m writing on the computer; my husband is outside hammering away on the deck.

 Quick, I need an affirmation!

“I won’t be grouchy when (not if) my husband interrupts my writing and asks me to watch him replace a plank.”

True story; it happened. I told him I would be there in a few.

Affirmations are good, but the best way to guard your sunny disposition is to continue in Christian growth in patience and consideration of others.

Second Corinthians 3: 4-5 (NIV) says, “Such confidence we have through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God.”

The ultimate path to a good disposition is trust and confidence in the strength that Christ gives in times of need. The author and origin of all good and positive thoughts for a good disposition comes from Christ.

We trust God to provide us with what we need to do well, have good relationships, and succeed.

Nothing is too hard for God; He is our confidence.

Be well.