Most people will admit that every day isn’t hunky-dory. What else can one say other than that’s life?

We all have days when we don’t feel like doing anything. We just don’t feel like or want to do, initiate or take on even the smallest task. In other words, you don’t feel like lifting a finger, not even the little pinky.

These feelings aren’t unusual for conscientious, grateful-to-have-a-job individuals and busy retirees like me. On such days, personal actions like washing one’s hair, household chores like washing clothes, cooking dinner, or other tasks seem too cumbersome.

Usually, when we don’t feel like doing anything, there’s plenty to do: routine responsibilities, pressing obligations, and other things or concerns needing our attention. When the culprit isn’t the lack of ingenuity and time but instead no desire to get things done, we need to make adjustments.  

The other day, I only wanted to protest any and everything dealing with the four-letter-word work. I shoved my to-dos to the side and did nothing for several hours. 

Sometimes, it’s difficult to pinpoint the source of one’s passivity. Maybe my three-hour stance of doing nothing stemmed from having no incentive or inspiration that day.

The fact that the sun was shining didn’t push any of my get-up-and-do buttons.

Where do you find inspiration on your blah days? How do you go from aimlessness to being active and purposeful?

Any number of things can cause us to go offline, off the beaten path, and end up cradling our don’t-want-to feelings. The triggers for such feelings of inertia can be external or internal.

Some triggers include stress, tiredness, dissatisfaction, boredom, apathy, and many other emotions.

Sometimes, our get-up-and-go gets up and leaves.

Maybe, we don’t feel like doing anything because we’re tired of the same old routine.

It’s Ok to sign out of the daily routine. Do something different, unplanned, off-center. Get out of the box, out of the house., take a day off from your job.

Break the routine!

Take the boredom out of your routine and snap it like a glow stick to add color and add a little pep to your step.

We all need and deserve a little pizzazz!

After washing the clothes and putting them away, enjoy your favorite chocolate treat.

Do one thing you don’t feel up to doing. After you finish the task, it’s time for a treat! Who doesn’t like rewarding themselves?

When I didn’t feel like doing house chores the other day, I convinced myself to clean one room. Then I watched a movie on Netflix and had some energy to spare.

Call a friend to rev up inspiration and energy and feed off their energy. Do something with a friend: go to lunch, walk, or do another activity to have fun.

After finishing a tedious project at work, treat yourself to a new outfit, shoes, or a date night.

Sometimes when you don’t feel like doing anything, you may be asking yourself permission to be lazy or to take a break.

A break is a treat!

Understanding you and your needs are a part of self-care.

But depression and other mental health or medical issues should be taken seriously and may warrant professional help.

What will you do the next time you don’t feel like doing anything?

Be well.