Some say we transition from one season of life to the next, but we change in some aspects daily without realizing it.

A transition is a shift or change in the state, condition, or perspective about things. Our priorities, dreams, wishes, and even values change. Of course, looking at photos, we can see changes in our appearance over the years.

I transitioned from my forties to my fifties and from there to my sixties. Things that were important in my twenties and even fifties are no longer on my list of priorities.

So, what about transitioning? 

Does it mean a transformation?

Are we transformers?

What about these comic and literal transitioning capabilities?

We know about the Transformers, which can change from an upright robot to a car, airplane, or other things, even animals.

What or who would you be if you could be a human Transformer? Who or what would you transform to?

What about Wonder Woman, Beyonce, Queen Nefertiti, or other noted characters?

We also know about transition sentences that use transition words to connect expressions or thoughts. Transition words bridge two or more thoughts to create a progressive and logical pathway to understanding.

How would you covey or describe your latest transition?

Within our strives and growth, we have had quite a few transitions punctuated with, despite this or that, nevertheless, and so on. Some transitions are more difficult than others.

Transitioning reflects the associated relationships of life experiences from one change or season to the next. Not all transitions are smooth.

Although it isn’t easy, parents transition from having children in the house to being empty nesters.

Some achievers transition from 8-hour-boss jobs five days a week to being their own boss, thereby creating and running their own business.

Transformers are people who change in appearance and character.

Is a transition a step or journey toward somewhere different or something new?

What transition are you in?

Transitioning is about becoming, which is forever happening because what we are today isn’t all we will be.

As we live and grow, this minute, hour, day, week (you get my drift) is not the finale.

When we are becoming, we’re never finished learning, progressing, and growing. We are constantly changing not only externally but, more importantly, internally.

More awaits us!

What road do we take to transition to becoming more?

To choose the right road, we must know what we want to do or what we want to transition into.

Here are a few questions that may be helpful to determine a path.

Where do you want to go, and what do you want to do next?  

What has been your favorite or most important transition?

How do you perceive your life?

What’s good about your life?

What do you have the ability to change?

What’s missing that you would like to experience?

What’s your definition of being happy?

What do you enjoy doing?

When we live a purposeful life, we must answer many of these questions and others to transition into who we are becoming.

Be well.