Are you tired of people expecting you to be a do-gooder, always understanding and giving when they are in need?

Galatians 6:9 (NIV) cautions, “Let us not become weary in doing good.”

Good people do considerate and nice things, especially for others.

Ask anyone if they are a good person; they will most likely reply positively. Some may say they aren’t bad, trying to be modest.

We may not always be or do good, but hopefully, no one is always bad (being inconsiderate of others).

Martin Luther King Jr. said, “The tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people but the silence over that by the good people.”

Today, many people are silent! How can good people be quiet about the cruelty or poor treatment of others?

We can complain about the silence or the need for more do-gooders. Don’t forget, there is always an opportunity to do good and be the one for good.

What are some traits of a good person?

Most will agree that a good heart or being morally good is a part of being good.

As with many aspects of life, sometimes doing what is good and right is often easier said than done, even for a devout Christian. Doing what Jesus would do (WWJD) is not always impossible but frequently challenging.

This is particularly true when one stands alone, and there is opposition.

There is never a valid excuse for Christians to be bad; there is no off-ramp from their duty to do good. And being called goody-two-shoes is neither a badge of honor nor dishonor.

What about those who are kindhearted to some people and not to others?

Good people don’t confine kind deeds to a select few: family, friends, or associates. There is no option to base their kindness on ethnicity, race, religion, economics, or other social standings.

The duty of being good is to help anyone in need.

The Bible stresses that as one has the opportunity to ‘do good to all.’

When is there an opportunity?

Life is our opportunity. The opportunity is today when there is ability, resources, and time.   

The charge to do good to all may not seem reasonable to the average do-gooder. As a staunch Christian, Paul took his Christianity and duty to heart, even toward his enemies and those who worked against Christ’s teachings.

Selfishness and being judgmental aren’t traits of those who are good and do good.

Although there are no groups to be excluded, there are those whom Christians are encouraged to include. Christians are to do good to those of the household of faith in Christ Jesus.

God is good to all, and He gives favor to those who serve Him.

Here are a few things to consider in our duty to help others.

It is impossible to be good, and only you know it.

“Never regret being a good person to the wrong people. Your behavior says everything about you, and their behavior says enough about them.” Marc & Angel

We all can do better and be more helpful to others.

I am not as good as I can be.

God, who is good to us all, will judge our goodness and reward those who serve Him.

Be well.