Who are the most frequently quoted people in the United States and the world?

Yes, we can google this question.

Of course, we may or may not agree with Google’s answer. The Google list may include William Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, Abraham Lincoln, and many other famous and deserving people.

Many of us have quoted these individuals, but none of these famous people made my list. I dare to say that we quote little-known individuals more often than any of these individuals, no matter their notoriety.

You don’t have to think too hard or look beyond your home for the answer.


I dare say that our moms, who loved and nurtured us from childhood to adulthood, are the most quoted people in the world.

When have we quoted our moms?

How often do we say, “Momma said or used to say,”

“I don’t want to have to tell you again.”

Mom expected us to be obedient the first time, or there would be consequences.

“Stop crying, or I will give you something to cry about.”

Sometimes, we were crying brats who wanted attention. These words took the wind out of our cheeks and dried our eyes.

“Because I said so, that’s why.”

We were taught that moms knew what was best for us and that no explanation was necessary when she told us to do something.

“One day, you will thank me.”

That day did come when we thanked them for disciplining us and for their tough love that made us stronger women and mothers.

Some of these quotes may vary slightly, but the core message remains from generation to generation.

My momma always said, “Give credit to whom credit is due,” I am doing just that in this post. 

Moms may not make the Google list for the most quoted, but we often reverberate their words to our children.

Sometimes, we surprise ourselves when we speak our parent’s words.

How did this happen?

Our moms knew there was no science to rearing children, only common sense and love. They used sound judgment in day-to-day matters, and we learned from them.

Common sense cannot be overstated.

Only one of these scenarios reflects common sense.

Continuing to stuff yourself until your stomach hurts

Texting your BFF while driving to school

Cheating on your math quiz

Crossing the street when the signal indicates WALK

Common sense doesn’t imply that someone has to have a high IQ, originality, or be a genius. What’s common is what’s plain, sensible, and has sound reasoning.

There’s nothing extraordinary about common sense.

Common sense is innate. People sometimes say common sense is like horse sense, which is based on sound, reasonable judgment.

Moms are the most quoted people because what they say is based on sound judgment that is good for the upbringing and teaching of children in every generation.

The Bible says the following about discipline, a tenet of common sense, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11 NIV

I hope you are well.