Today, January 20, 2025, is a good day to remind ourselves about the coming days.
Why is today such a good day to do so?
Is it because January 20, 2025, begins a new presidential administration? Is it because of the terrible, devastating fires that occurred in Los Angeles, California? Is it because of our challenges and problems?
One can only answer for oneself.
But to say that we don’t know what the days will bring is an understatement.
Proverbs 27:1 says, “Boast not thyself of tomorrow for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.”
We don’t boast about tomorrow for the surety of things we want and the things to come. We trust God concerning all things that pertain to today, tomorrow, and all days. It’s not our desire nor our will that brings tomorrow. Indeed, it is God’s will and providence, whatever days come and things they bring.
Only God can equip us for the forthcoming days and the future.
There’s a song that says, “It[tomorrow] may bring sunshine, or it may bring rain. It [tomorrow] may bring happiness, and it may bring pain.”
At day-end, we sometimes say, today was a good day, or today was a bad day.
But we’re hopeful we can deal with whatever may come, whether happiness or tears.
We plan and make commitments far in advance of the present.
A cousin recently told me she plans to take a cruise in November of this year. People are planning summer, fall, and winter weddings for 2025. I plan to see my granddaughter compete in a trampoline tumbling event in the spring.
We make plans, hoping and praying we’re able to fulfill them.
Remember, God has already prepared for those who love Him. In other words, God has made plans for His believers.
There’s no need to fret about who is in the White House, the havoc of nature in lands near and far, and neither faint in times of trouble.
The Bible says in First Corinthians 2:9, But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.”
Here is a poem I hope you will enjoy.
The Tomorrow-Days
By Joseph Clark
The “Tomorrow-Days” are a challenge to me;
They summon both time and energy;
They spread afar like a widening sea,
And appeal to the best that one can be.
The “Tomorrow-Days” are the days for me.
The “Yester-Days” have no charm for me;
Their hours are a fleeting memory;
They’ve drifted to Eternity;
Their record is made — whate’er it be,
The “Tomorrow-Days” are the days for me.
Through all the “Tomorrow-Days” to be,
I pray as they pass so silently.
That God may Himself be a Guide to me,
‘Til the day when His blessed face I see.
The “Tomorrow-Days” are the days for me.
It is Ok for us to plan and make preparations for tomorrow because we place everything in God’s care and will.
I hope you’re happy and well.