We’ve heard or used the phrase, ‘If you can believe it, you can achieve it.’
And it’s not unusual for people to ask, “What do you see yourself doing in life?”
Seeing and believing create the vision one can have to fulfill one’s goals or purpose in life.
Being able to describe one’s vision is advantageous in many ways because words and images are inspirational and motivational.
Certain words and images can charge and recharge us.
Being able to imagine one’s achievements: graduating college, getting married, buying a house, or buying a new car is a powerful thing.
Imagining and focusing on these things help to make them happen.
Dreaming about one’s goals and desires also works in a similar manner.
A vision is a dream or the ability to think, see, and hope beyond today for things in the future. Some people can do this more easily than others.
I remember standing at the sink and looking out the kitchen window of my envisioned new home. When we moved in, that vision manifested into glass panes with two-tier beige curtains above stainless double sinks.
What’s obscuring your vision and aspirations?
Why not create a vision board?
Many people use vision boards, a visual tool, to lay out their goals and aspirations for the future. They may draw a house, car, and other things on their boards. If you can’t or don’t like drawing, there are plenty of vision board kits.
A vision board is similar to a picture board, cutouts, or a collage of things you want to achieve or do in life.
What states or countries do you want to visit?
What changes do you want to make in the self-care area?
What books do you want to read in 2025?
You can put many things on your vision board: affirmations, biblical verses, and much more.
Of course, every dream that may come true doesn’t have to begin on a vision board. Some believe that a type of vision board practice may date back to the Egyptians and the use of hieroglyphics on scrolls.
No, a vision board isn’t a new concept.
I’ve doodled on paper and never organized any aspirations on a vision board until recently.
If it’s your first vision board, why not make it a family affair?
It was so much fun pasting stickers of affirmations, travel destinations, and other aspirations and goals.
Three of my stickers included: Check in with yourself: what do you want to do today?
Don’t let anyone who hasn’t been in your shoes tell you how to tie your laces.
Love is a strong liking and feeling of caring for another human being.
Sometimes, we lose focus on the things that can improve our self-care and relationships.
Create a vision board with self-care and family time reminders.
Vision boards brandished their popularity in the early 2000s and are still a powerful tool for those who can imagine and believe.
Don’t forget the evidence of things not seen is manifested from one’s faith in God and the vision.
Be happy and well.