statue of liberty during daytime
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The birth of America was no accident or result of blind forces, magical powers, or any non-religious contrived revolution. In fact, many believed that the victory over Britain proved God’s favor for the colonists. Ask those whose blood enriched the soil and whose testimony will one day be called forth by God Almighty.

America was a promised land, prophesied and envisioned with faith, and the sacrifice of many was a thing of God’s creation.

Once freedom reigned for the 13 colonies, a constitution was created, and the eternal truth of God was wielded therein: All Men are Created Equal.

These exact words aren’t in the Bible, but the following verses speak of the same truth.

Genesis 1:27 – “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”

Romans 2:11 – “For there is no respect of persons with God.”

No one can speak such truth except God places it on their lips and hearts.

Listen to John Adams, one of the founding fathers: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” 

These words were the truth that helped generations of enslaved Africans’ descendants to pick cotton, dig potatoes, strip sugar cane, bear indignities untold, and die for their rights. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are unalienable rights endowed by God, the Creator.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a type of Moses, and others help loose chains of racism and discrimination in an America that is wholly ours. Through blood, sweat, and oceans of tears, America is our God-given inheritance.

If one were to destroy this constitution and its moral foundation, America and the government would wither and become something the founders neither wanted nor envisioned.

Without democracy, where is the arm of liberty and justice for citizens and strangers?

John Adams’ testament about the U.S. Constitution and America’s moral commitment is the bedrock of our democracy, a government of the people, for the people, and by the people.

Adams, not only a founder but also the 2nd U.S. President, spotlights the necessity of a moral people to uphold a constitution written for democracy, not a king or some other government.

Words on paper, a pledge or oath to uphold the rule of law, aren’t strongholds against a recurrence of tyranny similar to Britain’s rule.

Only a moral people who govern and are governed can secure a democracy.

The Bible is God’s word for God’s people. Adams and other founders believed in God, America, the U.S. Constitution, and the commitment of a moral people.

Like many, I learned God Bless America in elementary school. It is a song of patriotism, hope, sacrifice, and love.

Let’s sing God Bless America with renewed commitment, hope, sacrifice, and love for our country and the democracy of the people, for the people, and by the people.

God Bless America

God bless America.

Land that I love.

Stand beside her, and guide her

Through the night with the light from above.

From the mountains, to the prairies

To the ocean, wide with hope.

God bless America.

My home sweet home.

I hope you are happy and well.