I hope you have a win today.

In the matters of staying positive and being there for others, I hope you have a minimum of one win every day.

What is a win?

In this particular case, a win is something that you did, something that you should feel good about. Something that helps and encourages others.

Do you remember your win? If you didn’t have a win yesterday or today, plan to have one tomorrow.

Of course, being alive is the biggest win we can experience and celebrate. God made this win happen. It’s proof that He cares for us. We feel good about this win, and we should thank Him.

Thank you, Jesus!

But don’t overlook or diminish any wins, whether large, small, or medium in size. Let’s not concentrate on size right now.

Every win counts! Everyone counts!

They say action speaks louder than words. But a spoken word is an action.

Win with your words! Disrespecting others is a terrible loss, and no one wins.

That saying about ‘sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me’ isn’t true.

Words hurt. Words divide.

If I’ve learned anything during this turbulent time, I realize that words and small things matter. Actually, we shouldn’t take even the smallest of actions for granted.

And words that hurt aren’t a trivial matter. Words should help, not hurt.

Words can be sunny, stormy, partly cloudy, and other uplifting or dispiriting acts in between.

Tell your wife, husband, daughter, son, or whoever fixed the hotdog or picked up the Pizza, thank you.

Thank the cashier at the drive-thru window, even if you had to wait 10 or 15 minutes.

It costs nothing to smile and say a kind word.

Touching friends, loved ones, and strangers with a considerate heart is a win. Having a winning, caring spirit is important anytime, but especially now.

How many times have you heard people say, “We ‘re all in this together?”

It’s neither a new phrase nor a new normal. It’s the way things should be. Being there for each other is a comforting, winning state-of-being.

Achieving a win isn’t hard during this pandemic.

Text or call a friend you haven’t heard from in a while. I plan to do the same either before or after I complete this post. Forget about who called who last.

Brighten up someone’s day, and your day will be brighter. Sweeten relationships. People want to know that others care.

We know the adage, ‘the only way to have a friend is to be a friend.’

Birds are natural-born winners. They sing even in the rain.

President Ulysses S. Grant said, “The friend in my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity.”

Winning is about being there for others.

Have a winning day every day!