Who’s that masked man, woman, boy, or girl? Whether your name is Long Ranger, short stuff, Batman, bag lady, Boy Wonder, Jane, or Tommy, THANKS FOR WEARING A MASK IN PUBLIC.

Let’s continue to MASK Up!

You’ve heard the adage, ‘prevention is better than a pound of cure.’ In other words, no cure is necessary in the absence of sickness. Social distancing and wearing a mask lessen the possibility of contracting the virus and getting sick.

I know there’re different strokes for different folks. But masks aren’t recommended to stroke or strut egos; they’re worn to protect health.

I would rather wear a mask than get sick. I want to keep myself safe and keep others safe at the same time.

We’re in this together, right?

If you don’t recognize me in public because I have a mask on, it’s okay. But hey! We can show off our favorite cartoon character, superhero, college, or professional team and anything else. You name it! Choose your mask or even make your own!

I’m sure those of you who have been wearing masks have come across a few mask-wearing challenges. I thought I would mention one or more, along with some no-non-sense time-saving primping benefits.

.Don’t forget, telling others to ‘read my lips’ isn’t funny if you’re wearing a mask.

Also, there is no need to smile when wearing a mask.

The first time I wore a mask during this pandemic was to the grocery store. Standing in the checkout line, the cashier smiled at me, and I smiled back. One friendly smile deserved another one. My lips parted, sliding east and west across my teeth. I soon realized she couldn’t see my smile. I had on a mask. So, I smiled with my eyes. I can’t remember whether I squinted or ballooned my eyes. How do you smile with your eyes, especially when wearing glasses? Her smile soon faded. Not wanting to be rude, I said, “Hello.”

Mask 101.1 – Don’t bother smiling at anyone.

I saw on TV where doctors and nurses pinned smiling photos on their uniforms. That’s a great idea! We could do the same. Why not paste a smiling GIF on your mask? The Center for Disease Control (CDC) may not approve of this.

Mask 101.2 – Wearing a mask with prescription or other glasses can produce a climatological imbalance. Your glasses may fog up. When this happens, I breathe slowly and evenly.

Mask 101.3 – No need to wear foundation or lipstick to the grocery store and on other errands. This benefit may appeal to many females. I love it!

But if you want to wear makeup from the bridge of your nose to your hairline, that’s a PP or personal preference. Generally, for me, it’s lipstick before eye shadow and liner. Now with a mask, I don’t wear any makeup. I’m rolling all-natural. But if I’m going to Church, I have to have my makeup.

The point is if you care about you and if you care about me, wear a nose and mouth covering.

Mask 101.4 – No, the temporary mask marks on the face isn’t a good excuse not to wear one.

Wear a mask! I will.

Roll Tide!

Be blessed.

Be safe.