I took stock in Zig Ziglar’s quote, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.” It’s a true statement.

I’ve heard Javacia Bowser, a successful freelance writer and founder of See Jane Write LLC, use this quote several times.

I know that women are competitive, but we are also compassionate creatures. We understand our challenges in a male-dominated workplace and world. We have a lot to offer and bring to the proverbial table in an inclusive environment.

But whether the playing field is level or not, women are ready to showcase their God-given abilities. We do it not just for ourselves but for our daughters and other capable women.

Just think, if women are collaborative and willing to help one another, the culture of inequalities in the workplace and world will decline. We are a force to be reckoned with when we support each other.

We shouldn’t settle for putting another female down in order to advance upward. I’m not saying competition isn’t healthy. But one good gesture deserves another.

Someone helped each of us to get to where we are, and we should pay it forward—help someone because someone helped you. Why not pay it forward and help a deserving but struggling female counterpart?

When we empower ourselves and achieve dreams and goals, other women believe and gain motivation to do it also. One female’s achievement can be a bridge for other women and a walkway to success.

And when we become mentors and supporters of our female counterparts, everyone wins. Perhaps this will be a new concept to buy into for some of us. And that’s okay. When we learn better, we do better. It’s not a handout. It’s not a hand up. It’s extending a hand across.

Ladies, asking another female for help is okay. And volunteering to help a fellow female enthusiast is ideal!

Sometimes I need an ally. Don’t you?

I had a couple of female allies during my career and helped other women because it was the right thing to do.

But helping each other isn’t just a workplace thing; it’s a lifestyle thing.

It’s what we do!

We are all unique, even as women, and no comparisons can devalue any one of us.

Let’s build each other up. ‘Woman-to-woman,’ there’s more that should make us supportive than unobliging.