This post is about the poem, Where Do I Go From Here by Betty Smith.

Before I started writing and blogging, I use to write poetry. Well, poetry may not be the right word. Poetry is a literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by using distinctive style and rhythm.

Nope, I didn’t write poetry.

I guess I wrote poems. A poem is a rhythmical writing with the nature of speech and song.

Anyway, I wrote poems to express my feelings about what was happening in the community and world. The poems were time capsules for me to open and read as the years rolled on.

I recited A Trumpet Called Martin, a poem about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an American civil rights hero and icon. I recited A Trumpet called Martin a couple or several times during special events at my church.

I haven’t written a poem in quite some time. But this morning, for some strange reason, I felt a poetic grove. And I decided to write a poem about my #bloglikecrazy experience.

Here goes; I hope you enjoy it.


Where do I go from here?

Well, I’m not going back.

Back is the place of lack.

Back is where I lacked the experience of blog like crazy.

No, I’m not going to make a mistake and do that.

I’m upsy daisy with this blog like crazy, and that’s a fact.

I did this thing, and I can now pat myself on the back.

You should do the same.

Your achievements, big or small, are never lame.

Big dog, little dog, and all in-between,

It’s about doing your best; do you know what I mean?

This little rhyme came to mind, and I did this too,

Blog like crazy onward, I know what I’m going to do.

I’m going to keep blogging and achieve my goals.

What about you?

Well, maybe this isn’t a poem but a rhyme. A rhyme is a kind of poem.

I know; I won’t quit my day job.

I’m retired.

Stay safe.