I’ve often wondered, how long will men be kid-at-heart players of video games?

Well, it won’t stop soon, based on the gaming industry’s billions in yearly revenue. Playing video games is as convenient as listening to music. Access is available on your smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop, or television. Gaming has long grown from a craze to be a part of the American lifestyle.

Yes, male adults are into gaming big time!

As a part of the 40 percent of American non-gamers, I want to pose a question.

What’s the suitable age for adult males to stop gaming? How does one put an end to the joystick jerking and two-thumb-smashing recreational frenzy and competitive thrill?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Maybe giving up gaming can be one of the rites of passage from boy to manhood. If so, this rite of passage could occur when one graduates high school. Don’t you love it when the graduates toss their caps in the air in a jubilant celebration of their life-changing mile marker?

Perhaps the graduated gamers could donate their video stuff to a youth home or some other children’s organization.

Nope, there won’t be many takers for these suggestions.

Boys become men at the age of 18, right? Isn’t the beginning of manhood putting away childish things?

Eighteen is coming of age for adulthood, AKA ‘being grown,’ and many privileges and freedoms come with it. One can officially vote, enter into and sign contracts, and make other life-changing decisions and judgments. Oh! You can also serve in the U.S armed forces.

Evidently, 18 isn’t a likely age to expect adults to relinquish their video game equipment.

According to Techjury, one of the software industry gurus for tech companies and end-users, 70 percent of gamers are 18 or older.

This percentage kind of boggled me!

Seriously, isn’t gaming a childish activity for a 30, 35, or 40-year-old?

Apparently not. The average age for a male and female gamer is 34 and 36, respectively, according to Techjury. The average U. S. couch-potato with a joystick or controller in-hand is between 34-54 years of age.

WOW! Long live the gamer!

Some say gaming is a hobby or pastime like watching movies. And no one is asking avid movie watchers to give up their entertainment and leisure enjoyment at any age.

I guess you’ve figured out I’m not too big on playing video games, but 60 percent of Americans are.

Girls put away their dolls years before dating. What guy wants to date a girl who plays with dolls? Imagine this: Ken and Barbie double dating with eighteen-year-old Monique and Jared. Jared is not having this! Heads will roll!

When my husband and I were dating, he hated when I brought out Tiger, my stuffed animal. No threesome, he said. Of course, he was aggravated, and I was so pleased to oblige.

I know playing video games and playing with dolls are different. I’m just saying…

Anyway, there’s no ending age associated with gaming.

And dating females of all ages don’t mind their male friends playing video games. Plus, there are many female gamers, and the most active gaming age group is 18-35.

The gaming numbers prove that adults love gaming as a favorite pastime. And the gaming industry doesn’t expect any downturn in the desire for their products. On the contrary, the opposite seems to be the case.

It’s GAME ON for adults at any age!

Be safe