There are wine vaults, jewelry vaults, and all kinds of treasure vaults, but what about seed vaults? What better way to store the genetic material of the world’s food source? The seeds of our world are more than treasures; they are life. To reserve seeds of our food supply in a vault is to bank on preserving life.

Genesis 1:12 states, “And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself.”

The seeds we plant and cultivate: grass, shrubberies, trees, vegetables, fruits, and all plant life were created during the genesis of the world:

God supplied the seeds for our food sources, and the Bible states there was nothing made that He did not make as stated in John 1: 3 (KJV), “All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made.”

We didn’t create our food source, but scientists have genetically modified many seeds. These genetic modifications enhance and increase food sources for environmental, economic, and other reproduction reasons.

God forbid we lose our food source due to a catastrophe, nuclear war, global flood, or any other doomsday event!

No food, no life.

Survival enthusiasts and fanatics have been readying themselves for the unthinkable, the end of life as we know it. Underground bunkers, stored food, water, and other essentials are common preparations for these doomsday preppers and believers.

We don’t know what the future holds, but preserving our food source is a priority that’s not taken lightly.

Did you know there are seed banks around the world to safeguard the world’s abundance of seeds and food sources?

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is the world’s largest and most famous seed bank. It is also called the ‘Doomsday’ Vault.

The Doomsday Vault as a safe harbor for seeds reminds me of Noah’s Ark, which kept Noah, his family, and the animals safe during the deadly global flood. Unlike Noah’s Ark, the Vault is one among many seed banks around the world. Canada, the U.S., England, Russia, Switzerland, and other countries have seed vaults. And these countries contribute seeds to other countries’ vaults.

Some seed vaults are devoted to particular crops, like the International Rice Genebank in the Philippines and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center.

The World Vegetable Center in Taiwan is another seed bank with regional bases in several locations. Governments, universities, foundations, and other entities manage these seed-safe harbors.

The seed banks guarantee the preservation of every kind of seed for reseeding the earth and replenishing grass, herbs, bushes, and every tree, including fruit trees. The safe seeds are to be a reset of what may be destroyed or lost.

Where is the Doomsday Vault?

A backup seed bank to the other depositories, the Doomsday Vault is on Spitsbergen Island in Norway. Every country contributes seeds to the Doomsday Vault seed storage.

But these seed repositories aren’t only for cataclysmic or devastating times; they also serve us today in creating heartier, tastier vegetables, fruits, and robust plant life. It’s all about science, genes, genetics, and plant quality. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are becoming more important to protecting and increasing our food source.

There’re research centers like the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics in India.

Unfortunately, preparing for the future means preparing for a worst-case scenario. Who knows if and when the earth will need to be reseeded or replenished with plants, trees, and food sources?

The seeds are just in case.

Be safe.