brown wooden scrabble lot
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brown wooden scrabble lot
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If you’ve read my last two posts, you know my self-care mantra for 2024 is – More Love in 2024!

The Bible has a lot to say about love. Love is long-suffering or patient, doesn’t envy others, is not selfish, and is not proud or boastful.

We may not be able to tone down the hateful, divisive rhetoric in politics and the houses of government, but what about our homes, gatherings, workplaces, and organizations?

What’s your word or phrase for 2024? It may be a word or phrase to help one’s spiritual, career, physical, mental, or any other growth or change.

Why do I choose a word or phrase? Adherence to the word or phrase is a solvent to loosen the stains and wash away bad habits, replacing them with more loving ones. 

To be more loving includes being more celebratory and encouraging of others instead of envious.

There is no denying the behavior and mindset changes that are possible from internalizing the truths of mantras and practicing their concepts. More considerate and loving habits are the goal.

Some of my past words of inspiration or affirmation involved patience and moderation. Patience is an honorable and necessary virtue. Patience and moderation are pointed reminders for me not to set personal objectives and expectations too high so as to neglect or exclude others and obligations.

Who doesn’t have responsibilities and obligations?

Like most people, I want to be and do my best in most aspects of life. I should have said in every aspect of life because this is my desire and hope.

But let’s be real. Trying to give everything 110% is humanly unsustainable and probably impossible. Back in the day, our parents said common sense, not reality. We cannot allow our desire for things and success to replace our common sense that some things are beyond our control.

Let’s admit that life happens even when we prioritize things, which dictates adjustments and changes.

In other words, our energy, zeal, and will are subject to things we cannot control.

When Mom was sick, I delayed finishing and publishing my second book to take care of her. When love calls, we answer.

A delayed goal or expectation is not denied until we give up.

When the hierarchy is God, family, and self, moderation prevents collisions and allows space for other significant happenings that involve family and friends.

Like Solomon said, “For everything, there is a season and a time for every matter under the heaven.”

We all hope for a good harvest and season when we plant and till our aspirational gardens of success.

Some popular growth, behavior-changing phases may include:

I will pray, not worry.

Prayer is more physically, spiritually, and emotionally healthful.

I choose patience.

Patience is a crucial virtue to reach goals and obtain God’s blessings.

I’m worth every effort.

Yes, you are!

I’m a winner.

Being faithful to one’s talents and aspirations is never giving up.

I am grateful.

Being grateful when others may have more is important to maintain positivity, contentment, and self-worth.

Choose your word or phrase based on your aspirations and needs.

Here’s to words, phrases, and mantras for a better me and you!

Be well.