Have you ever felt out of sorts, tired, and blah, lonely, troubled? We all have.

Try humming. You may not be able to sing or carry a note, but everyone can hum.

We are human hummingbirds. While hummingbirds’ feathers make the humming sound, we use our voice when we hum.

Humming can help whatever that’s bothering you.

Humming is meditative, especially while doing chores around the house.

When I don’t feel up to doing a task, humming changes my focus. I forget about the work, and my mind relaxes.  Sometimes I hum a familiar song. But most often, I don’t even know what I’m humming. I make it up as I go. And before I know it, the task is done.

When you are troubled, humming can communicate things of the heart to God. Baptist congregations love to hum. When you hum, the Baptists say the devil doesn’t know what you are talking about, but God does.

Humming is soothing, like a warm bubble bath.

Humming centers you when you’re scattered or pulled in different and uncertain directions.

Humming refreshes your thoughts and mind bringing calm and light.

Humming takes you to a better place.

Humming displaces stress and calms your nerves.

Humming is a language of the heart.

My Mom would hum all the time when she cooked and did other chores in the house.

Humming is transportive and transformative.

Humming is a mood changer.

Humming is the simplest sound anyone can make.

Humming releases anxiety.

People hum when they’re happy and also sad.

People love humming the Jeopardy jingle. Have you ever hummed a tune trying to help someone recognize the song or music? Choir directors hum the pitch so choir members can get their correct singing parts.

Be careful when humming in public or at your workplace. Some people think humming is annoying. Humming is for the young and old. It is a great way to pass the time when working.

Humming is good for the soul.

Be safe.